I was in my bedroom last night dancing to R Kelly’s,
Happy People. It doesn’t matter if I’m
at work, at home, or driving, when I hear that song, I move. I love to dance
anyway and haven’t danced in a while, so last night I made up for it. I didn’t
dance for exercise, I danced because I was happy, so what better song than
Happy People? I found the song on YouTube and played it over, and over, and
over again. What was I so happy about? Nothing in particular - just life
itself. Yes, I have a lot going on in my life. Yes, I’m experiencing a season I
never thought I’d be in during my golden years, but I’m happy! The more I
played the song, the happier I felt. I was in my own happy world.
I didn’t
think about anything in particular, yet I pictured myself in a large ballroom wearing
a beautiful, flowing skirt that twirled with my every move. I imagined other
people around me dancing, but I was center stage dancing alone and happy. Why
not be happy? I may encounter seemingly, unhappy circumstances that I can’t
control, but I can sure control my outlook, and I choose happy! I refuse to
give my happy away – my happy is mine!
A few of the words in the song are: What
is it that can come and take away all your stress, tell me – music.
No further questions, you have passed my test. Happy people (Yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah) keeps the world turnin', turnin', turnin'. Oh I
believe that happy people (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Keep us
dancin', dancin', dancin'.
Naturally, I woke up with the song on my mind,
and it reminded me that I have something even more powerful than my happy. I
have joy! I started my day with prayer, praise, and yes…dancing. Why? Because I’m
Listen to the song and own your happy!