Joining the 9-5

  After being retired from the United States Navy for twelve years, homeschooling for nine years, and enjoying the comfort of my own home as a homemaker, I’ve boldly left the homefront, and returned to the 9-5 workforce. Firstborn has left for college and Secondborn is in the tenth grade, so I believe I’ve grown out of society’s label of being a SAHM, and it was time to receive my new season of motherhood. I applied for quite a few jobs and was finally hired at a local radio station. My new career in radio broadcasting is another blog post, yet coming out of retirement and leaving my position of homemaker after twelve years is definitely a story to be told.

I’m not a stranger to the 9-5 workforce; remember, I served twenty years in the military, so I know what it's like to come home to a frozen chicken wanting to be cooked, but it’s been a long time. My old-school husband thinks I’m supposed to come home from work and cook everyday, but it didn’t take long for him to realize he’s not the only one tired from work. His job is physically draining, yet my job is mentally draining, and although I work fewer hours than he does, my mind tells my body to shut down each day after work, so I find myself taking a power nap before the family comes home. Those naps feel soooo good! Rest is definitely a woman’s secret weapon whether we work inside or outside the home. So much is required of us that it’s crucial to renew our mind and body.

I plan to share more about my transition to the 9-5 and how much I miss my homefront, but for now, I want mothers to embrace your current season of motherhood. It goes by fast and it will change. Unfortunately, it’s guaranteed to change. While I enjoyed my little ones and watching them grow up, I never stopped to accept the fact that they wouldn’t be little forever. Time doesn’t stand still and unfortunately, neither do our small children. My empty nest is just a couple years away and I’m so grateful for the graaaadual changes to prepare me for my season change.
The very hurts of life that mothers try to protect children from are the hurts that teach the best life lessons.   

Support Group?

I cracked up in a mother’s face this weekend when she told me she didn’t like teenagers and wondered if there was a support group. The more she shared, the more I laughed. Why did I laugh? Because I’ve been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. As a matter of fact, I’m on teenage terrain now with Secondborn. Momswseb was created to offer support in this most providential role of motherhood. After I stopped laughing at this desperate sounding mother, I was able to share my first journey into the teen years, yet was also able to assure her of the hope – around age eighteen, they come out of their dark hole and show signs of normalcy. 

The teen years also show us ourselves – they show us what we’re made of and it usually isn’t pretty. I was convinced Firstborn’s job was to make me lose my mind, but thank God for being my Keeper. I survived and I’m going at it again with Secondborn, yet I’m not the same mother. I’m a more grounded, sane mother. I know what to expect – almost anything that doesn’t make sense. Teenagers will take you to the King! While we think we’re raising our children; they are raising us. They help us to mature as mothers and are used to teach us patience, acceptance, mercy, and a few other things. My question is…when they become adults, why are they called adult-children. Isn’t that an oxymoron? Maybe that’s why we still have to take care of them because we’re still calling them children! Why not call them matured seeds or ripe offspring? I thank the women around me with adult-children who will be my support. You’ve been there, done that, and got the t-shirt! 

The journey of motherhood is full of changing seasons, but thank goodness we don’t have to travel alone.