I watched Serena Williams win her 5th US Open title last week. It wasn’t easy for her, but she played the last set with such determination and passion. While she proudly held her trophy in the air, I wondered what it felt like to be a champion, number one, or in my case, a best-selling author. I pictured myself holding up a trophy and laughed to myself while thinking – you can’t be the best anything until you become your best Self.
I was created with very specific gifts, talents, and abilities and until I learn to do everything unto the Lord and be the best me, I can forget being champion of anything. Am I being the best mother to Firstborn and Secondborn? Have I been the best helper to my husband, or the best sister, daughter, aunt, or friend? No, no, and no; I have not. If I can’t be trusted with the little things, how can I ever be any kind of champion? It’s so easy to want what someone else has, but being a good steward over what God has entrusted me with is being a champion ME.
Going through the day with a mediocre mindset produces mediocre results. Everything we touch has the possibility to be great – a file, a claim, a report, a meeting, and even the dinner we prepare. I was reminded in my meditation this morning that I was created by Him for Him, so everything must be done unto Him – to bring God glory. Serena won 3.5 million dollars for winning. Good grief, I just want to get out of debt and maybe have a little extra to eat out. I’m happy for Serena’s accomplishment; she has worked hard and is reaping what she sowed. We definitely reap what we sow.
With that said, let’s get to work, and work like champions.