You Got This?

I ended my evening last night with a cup of hot green tea with honey and ginger. The cup of tea not only ended my day, but my unbelievable week. Out of town appointments, out of town guests, meetings, playing nursemaid, writing deadlines, home repairs, and to top it off, the night before another school year was in full force.  Unfortunately, my normal day-to-day household affairs didn’t cease just because I had extra going on. Whew! As I submerged my tea bag in and out of the hot water, I remembered an email a friend forwarded to me a while ago. It referred to a woman being like a tea bag – you don’t know her strength until she’s in hot water. I felt like I had been submerged in hot water the entire week – especially the weekend. I don’t know how strong I am, but I’m still standing! 

While enjoying my tea, I thought about what the upcoming school year had in store – not for the boys, but for me (Miss Flesh being selfish). After about ten long seconds, I quickly changed my mental channel. I didn’t even want to think about it. Instead, I took another sip of my delicious green tea and said, “Lord, you got this, right?”  Although exhausted, strong emotions of gratefulness flowed through me. I thought about my Strong Tower to lean on, my Shepherd to guide me, my Prince of Peace, my Comforter, my Keeper! All of a sudden my fatigue turned to unspeakable joy. Changing my mental channel was the key. It doesn’t matter what’s in store for the family – I don’t have any control over it anyway, but I know who does! Women are strong – very strong, yet we easily become frustrated and fragile when we forget where our help comes from. Submerged in hot water? Just ask…Lord, you got this, right?