Crazy Love

 A song in a movie I watched this weekend keeps rewinding in my head. The movie, “Phenomenon,” starred John Travolta who played a character named George. There was so much in this great movie I could write about, but one small scene in particular stayed with me.  The scene was with George and a woman he was crazy about. One day she came over and washed his hair and shaved him; George was unkempt and was preparing to speak to their small community.  The song in the background was beautiful. I’ve never heard it before, but the words rewinding in my head are: she gives me love, love, love, love, crazy love. There were no sexual undertones in this scene – simply a touching scene of a woman showing kindness to a man.   

The woman’s simple act was a mind-blowing act of love for George and a reminder to me of how little things go a long way.  It doesn’t matter if it’s an act of kindness towards my husband, children, neighbor, friend, or even a stranger – love is powerful. Unexpected acts of love are even more powerful and they don’t cost a thing except my availability and willingness - to God. I am completely incapable of showing any act of love without God’s help. I know my selfish spirit all too well. God’s love is freely given without reservation, thought, conditions or consideration of self. 

There is a portion of love within each of us waiting to be stirred up and poured out. While the woman was washing George’s hair, she didn’t say a word until she finished. She let love speak for itself. Isn’t that beautiful? Hmmm…are my acts speaking love? Can my husband say I give crazy love or is he just calling me crazy? Thank God for another day and another opportunity to show love.