Lately, most of my writing has been for other people who
hire me and instead of my name being on the work, they get the credit for it;
it’s called ghost writing. I get paid, but I don’t get public credit. I enjoy
it and it helps pay the bills, but there have been a couple of pieces that I
wanted to tell someone, “I wrote that!”
This morning, I thought about my role
as a wife and mother and how I sometimes feel like a ghost. Things get done
around the house, but no one acknowledges who did it. Is it necessary to be
recognized? No. Is it important? Not really. Would I like to be acknowledged
for what I do? I’m human; of course I would…at least sometimes! Secondborn doesn’t put a fork to his mouth to eat
without first saying, “Thank you, Mama.” It just warms my heart to hear his
compassionate heart speak to me. I’ve been a mother for sixteen years and a
wife for eighteen, so I know how to be a servant without kudos or awards – it’s
what I do.
Being a ghost mother or a ghost wife is a humbling journey. It helps
to be reminded that what I do isn’t for acknowledgement, but I’ve been
appointed - it’s my calling; there is a difference. God recognizes everything I
do – everything. He knows the spirit
in which I do it and He knows my heart. Mother’s Day has come and gone, but God
still recognizes me each day. I am His special daughter chosen to care for the
specific three people in my home. I’ve been entrusted to nurture them, love
them, and most of all to be an example of Christ to them – serve them.
Sometimes Miss Flesh gets in the way, but keeping my focus on God and not what
I do keeps me grounded as a ghost.