Written by Susan Irwin of BecomeOneFlesh.com
Today, I
wanted to risk annoying some of my
Christian sisters by
honest about a "touchy subject" with many Christian
Over the past twelve years,
I've received thousands of letters and
emails from Christian wives frustrated
with their marriages and love
lives. They ask me questions
"Why isn't my husband
more affectionate?"
"Why is he always
'ogling' other women?"
"Why doesn't he seem to
care about MY needs, emotionally or
in bed?"
Now, sometimes, a wife is
just stuck with a "stinker" for a
He is truly
just the type of man that is selfish and/or lazy and is
(probably) never going to magically
turn into the husband of your
dreams. But, those husbands are the
vast exception to the rule.
Most husbands do care about
your happiness
and base lots of their
personal self-esteem on whether they think you are happy or
But... they are
also men.
And, whether you and I like
it or not, there are certain "guy traits"
that are so deep and real that you just
aren't going to change them
by just "wishing them away." You
are going to (for your sanity) either
use these traits to
your advantage... or let them continue to frustrate
you and make your
marriage less fulfilling.
So, if you are (finally)
ready to do something about your marital frustration,
I have a brutally
honest suggestion for you...
Consider "oral."
Because I don't want to make
this email super long, I won't delve into the
theology on this issue (the Bible
fully endorses oral) or the male psychology
lesson, I'll just "cut to the
chase"...Men are very oral.
They (deeply)
desire to give you oral and they (deeply) desire for you to give it to
If you have tried
to fool yourself
into believing that your husband is different,
please... stop now. You're
husband (as long as he has a pulse), if he were
100% honest with you, would LOVE to bring more
oral into your bedroom.
Now, you may be thinking,
"Why is it always about
him?" or "How
does this
help me?"
Here's how...
Women seek love and find
themselves having sex.
Men seek sex and find
themselves in love.
It doesn't matter how old
your husband is.
It doesn't matter how long
you've been married.
He thinks about
giving and receiving oral.
And, he judges his love life
and marriage (to some extent) on whether
he gets to give or receive it.
When he looks at other men,
he compares himself, based on whether
he thinks that man is getting more
When he looks at other women,
he wonders if she is "oral."
If you want him to
feel different and more positive about you and
your marriage,
the quickest way to his heart ISN'T through his
stomach... it's through fulfilling his sexual
needs and desires.
If you are willing to
"make the first
move" and demonstrate some
willingness and openness regarding
oral, you'll be AMAZED at how
your husband starts to act
differently... more attentive... more interested
in you, in general.