Listening To My Body

My mind told me to get up, but my body told me to rest.  This morning, I listened to my body.  I had a strenuous weekend that exhausted me beyond words.  My mother volunteered to host her family reunion, so she led a small group of us as she planned and prepared food and entertainment for what turned out to be an awesome reunion.  We pushed our bodies beyond the limit and none of us took time to eat correctly to give our bodies the fuel needed to work the long and hard hours necessary to make the reunion happen. We worked on fumes and adrenalin and there was no time to rest. The family enjoyed the reunion and gave rave reviews and endless compliments, yet the hard work took a toll. 
 My older sister and I talked about how some women live this type of strenuous lifestyle week after week.  This may be the reason heart disease is the number one killer for women.  Being mentally stressed is just one of the many factors of heart disease.  A lifestyle of constant busyness invites mental stress. Our minds say keep going, but our bodies beg us to stop and renew. We often listen to our mind thinking we are so important, we must keep going.  Well, if we don’t stop, we won’t be able to keep going. It may appear glamorous and some women even feel validated having such a full schedule, but why?  Do I have a free day this week? Yes, and it will remain free – free to renew my mind and body. Every day of the week doesn’t need an event or appointment.  The labor of the reunion is over and I welcome my weekly schedule with Mom's Taxi. Thank you!
Women are amazing. We are able to multi-task and do what we do well. We were created to produce and deliver – not just babies. Remembering to renew ourselves is critical – to our Self, our family, and everyone else depending on us.  Listen to your body!