My gas tank isn’t the only tank I’ve been checking lately. I’ve been forced to check my faith tank also. When I first noticed the $3.35 gas prices, I laughed; but I quickly realized I would actually have to pay that ridiculous price. Oh well, just because the gas prices constantly fluctuate doesn’t mean my faith has to. Unwavering faith is definitely what is needed these days. I need a full tank of faith – forget gas! I must continually remind myself that God is my sufficiency. Not my retirement check, not hubby’s job, not a tax return, or my book sales…GOD is my sufficiency! It’s easy to look at gas prices and fall into frustration and doubt, yet I have to remember the God I serve has always sustained my family. The rising cost of fuel doesn’t change who God is. Sometimes we forget God is ALMIGHTY. We forget God is ABLE. We forget God is in CONTROL. Sometimes it takes a jolt to our pocketbook to remember just who God is. Maybe we got comfortable being able to fill our tanks up. Ha! Who is comfortable now? Who is filling their gas tank up now without saying, “Lord, have mercy!” Our circumstances can change in a moment, but thank God for His unchanging hand! Our gas tanks may not be full, but let’s make sure our faith tank is! Thank God it’s Monday and as gas prices increase, so shall our faith!