Our budget doesn’t allow for purchasing gifts this year, therefore my baking and other limited homemaking skills will definitely be used. Amazingly, this has been the most enjoyable, relaxing, stress free, shop-free Christmas I’ve ever experienced. Because we’ve been mindful of every penny spent this year, I’ve learned to financially depend on God like I should have always depended on Him. It’s so easy to wait, expect, and depend on payday and forget the true source of our needs.
As I focused on making and baking gifts with my hands, I learned the most valuable life lesson I’ve learned all year – Christmas isn’t about gift giving at all. Christmas is about the gift I’ve already been given! I’ve been focusing on the wrong gift. I need to be focused on the gift that can’t be purchased, made, baked, exchanged, or returned. The gift that doesn’t need any thought, but is free and can be shared by everyone. The gift that offers something no mall or online shopping store can ever offer. The gift that matters most is the gift of baby Jesus – The Prince of Peace!
Wouldn’t this simple reminder be a wonderful gift for everyone? Just think, not only am I sharing one gift, but this gift comes with unlimited accessories such as forgiveness, compassion, understanding, long-suffering, healing, deliverance, grace, mercy, unconditional love, and peace – perfect peace! Wow. I don’t even need a box or gift bag for this gift!
Merry Christmas to you and may ‘the gift’ set you free!