Extra Ounce of Grace

Before football season began, I would try to have the boys in bed no later than 8:30 p.m., now we aren’t getting home from practice until after eight! Last night as I sat on the sofa folding clothes at almost 9 p.m., I knew I had a couple more active hours in my evening, yet I was already drained. A full day of schooling the children, cooking, laundry, cleaning, plus I kept my two month old God-son who was uncomfortable all day because of gas – bless his heart. I was TIRED! My husband was working out and asked for something light to eat, so instead of being selfish and going into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich, I decided to make us both a salad. As I washed the lettuce, I asked God to give me a filling of His Spirit to get me through the rest of the evening. The boys were winding down from practice, yet were as chatty as if it were the middle of the afternoon. My prayers allowed my irritability to turn into calmness and my anxiety to get the boys in bed turned into contentment for the moment – nothing BUT the grace of God. I know God gives Mothers an extra ounce of grace to do all we are called to do. His grace is sufficient! I didn’t get to spend time doing what I wanted to do, yet I was at peace and grateful that I completed what was necessary. Our Lord is definitely a present help in the time of need if we just remember to call on Him. We were on our knees saying our family prayer at ten o’clock. This was a little later than I’d care for, yet this is just for a season – football season.